Dear Friends of Right to Become,
It’s with much thankfulness that I write to you. Thank you for opening this newsletter, praying for our gigs, and supporting our band. We thank God for you!
Please enjoy a special “Thanksgiving” gift for signing up to be on our mailing list. From November 18th-30th, you may download our music at no cost to you.
This also marks our one-year anniversary of releasing our first EP. Who better to share this with than you? We hope you WORSHIP!
God bless you!
Courtney and all with RTB
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
[gdlr_frame type=”normal” align=”left” caption=””] [gdlr_image_link type=”image” image_url=”×250.jpg” alt=”Right to Become – EP” link_url=”” target=”_blank” width=”250px”][/gdlr_frame]
[gdlr_frame type=”normal” align=”left” caption=””] [gdlr_image_link type=”image” image_url=”×250.jpg” alt=”Right to Become – Live on 107.5 Alive FM” link_url=”” target=”_blank” width=”250px”][/gdlr_frame]