Hi, Dear Friends of Right to Become,
I hope you are all doing well.
Thank you for praying for my meeting with the teenage girls (see photo below). It went very well! I told them how much God loves them and how essential it is to cultivate a “best friend” relationship with Him. God is our best friend! We just have to seek Him.
To my surprise, a sweet girl at the event asked me if she could interview me for the “Reality” section of the Bucks County Courier Times. Sure! This interview will appear in the paper this Friday, May 1st.
Musically, we start the “Save a Life Tour” on May 16th. After the tour, we will open for “Shane and Shane” on July 25th.
Please be encouraged in your faith above all as I share these things. God is not to be put in a box. He is love. Pray.
Thank you for praying for us!
Court and all with RTB
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14
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